Wild Childhood Of Marley Lowe Wiki


Big Sister Candace is the boldest, most determined and offcross meanest teenager in the entire neighborhood partering close with Heather as her most trusted friend from her young childhood. To the public eye, she comes off as being a bully to younger teens and children even, claiming she can't stand kids in general, maybe forgetting she was once a kid herself. Candace is most of the time on watch of both her little sisters Marley and Carly when it comes to taking care of them. She was forced to go into mom mode as a young teenager and take on the responsibility of her sisters not completely understanding why their parents are gone. She is always under stress and on various occasions refuses to hear in on people trying to help her with this crazy position she must take on. She iuntends to yell at them or block people out, but still makes time to somehow show some love towards the twins.

Candace dearly loves her older brother and little sisters, but doesn't show it very often since the girls are irrisponsible and always keeping her on her toes. In return, causes Candace to promote punishment to what she believe is abselutely necessary and therefore keeps her authority to high standards. Basicly a boarderline awkward household she has at the palm of her hands.

Friendship With Heather[]

Heather and Candace have a lot in common considering they grew up together from children to midteens. Both their families have been corensiding with each other for many years, maybe even before they were even born. Candace even calls Heather's parents Aunt and Uncle and is accepted as a nimonated McVay family member by everybody. This frinedship is a done deal, even trusting Heather to babysit the girls Candace is mostly caring for. Heather is always nearby, wheather babysitting or just generally hanging around like the cousin type. Heather and Candace have known eacxh other since they were toddlers as the Lowe Family and the McVay family used to be neighbors. 


Candace is the second bvorn into the Lowe family. She holds at age 16 a mother like role to her sisters while parents are gone for the moment.
